Postările pe pagina de facebook. Reguli pentru eficiența maximă

Facebook-ul pare la prima vedere doar o rețea de socializare cu prietenii și totodată o metodă sigură de pierdere a timpului. Dar nu se rezumă doar la asta (deși în mare parte cam la asta folosește!). Sunt oameni interesați care folosesc această rețea pentru a rămâne informați și în legătură permanentă cu domeniul de interes și paginile urmărite. De cealaltă parte, sunt companiile și persoanele publice care încearcă prin pagina lor de facebook să crească o comunitate în jurul lor.

Facebook Page Post

Importanța paginii de facebook în creșterea notorietății și audienței a crescut pe de o parte datorită creșterii numărului de conturi facebook (în Romania acesta a ajuns deja la 8 milioane de utilizatori) și de cealaltă parte companiile au realizat eficiența prezenței pe rețelele sociale.

Eu personal folosesc de ceva vreme profilul personal de facebook pentru a urmări companii, bloguri și persoane publice și pentru a fi mereu informată de schimbările din social media. Despre cum setez profilul în acest scop voi detalia într-un articol viitor.

În acest articol însă doresc să îți prezint cam ce trebuie să urmărești când postezi pe pagina de facebook, fie ea a unei companii sau a unui expert/consultant într-un anumit domeniu. Este important ca postările să fie cât mai corect concepute și prezentate, pentru a fi cât mai eficiente, cu atât mai mult cu cât reach-ul organic pe facebook a scăzut foarte mult.

Iată care sunt regulile de bază pe care trebuie să le aplici pentru o eficință maximă:

1. În primul rând trebuie să știi ce urmărești cu postul respectiv și să îl creezi în așa fel încât să își atingă scopul. Fie că dorești să încurajezi comentariile pentru a crea o comunitate în jurul brandului, fie vrei ca cititorii să share-uiască postul, să inițiezi o dezbatere pe un anumit subiect, să generezi trafic către blog-ul personal de expertiză sau de companie, să anunți o promoție sau lansare de produs, e nevoie ca postul să fie clar și să se ințeleagă scopul urmărit.

2. Postul trebuie să genereze “engagement”, de aceea e nevoie de call to action scurt și clar sau de relaționare directă cu fanii. Cere părerea despre un produs pe care dorești să îl lansezi și află ce își dorește audiența, află opțiunea din mai multe variante posibile ca răspuns la un topic, încurajează participarea cu poze sau idei prin concursuri și tragere la sorți. În niciun caz nu povesti în mod redundant despre produsele și seviciile tale, nu fă descrieri tehnici detaliate pe pagină. În primul rând implică fanii și fă-i să se simtă ca parte a unei comunități. Oferă-le mulțumiri și chiar avantaje prin cupoane și informare preferențială pe pagina de facebook. Fanii activi și mulțumiți sunt cei care marketează cel mai bine brandul tău!

3. Include mereu o poză și/sau link în post. Statistic vorbind, posturile cu poze au generat cu 39% mai mult angajament decât cele fără poză. Deschide facebook-ul și caută mai multe pagini ale companiilor de succes si vei vedea că toate postările acestora au poze. Sfatul meu este să creezi diferite tipuri de posturi: link către articole de pe blog, poze de la evenimente și milestone-uri ale companiei, video-uri, poze creative, oferte, tips&tricks. Fii creativ și original în crearea de conținut pe pagina de facebook!

4. Postul e nevoie să fie scurt, să transmită un mesaj clar și simplu. Este cu atât mai eficient cu cât are mai puține caractere, ideal între 40 și 70. Chiar și așa, toate postările trebuie să fie clare și relevante, pozitive și să dezvolte identitatea de brand. Nu e potrivit să postezi poze cu pisici sau filmulețe haioase chiar dacă ți se par distractive, pentru că fanii nu asta apreciază la o pagină de brand!

5. Nu exagera cu postările promoționale. Cel mai bine este să urmezi regula de 80/20 între posturile educaționale sau de angajament cu fanii și cele de promovare a unui produs sau serviciu. Este evident că unul dintre motivele pentru care urmăresc fanii pagina de facebook este de a fi informați despre oferte sau noi produse, dar important este să nu tranformi pagina într-o prezentare exclusivă a acestora din urmă. Cel mai adesea oferă informații utile din domeniu, dezvoltă subiecte noi pe blogul de companie, împărtășește tips&tricks din domeniul tău de expertiză. Te sfătuiesc să îți cunoști foarte bine audiența pentru a scrie despre ceea ce îi interesează, raspunzându-le la întrebări și venindu-le în ajutor cu articole detaliate și de asemenea să încerci să creezi o comunitate care să se identifice cu brandul de companie!

6. Publică postul potrivit la momentul potrivit. Nu există o zi sau o oră ideală de postare pe pagina de facebook a brandului. În schimb poți analiza în facebook insights când sunt prezenți cei mai mulți dintre fanii paginii (ziua și ora) și care dintre tipurile de posturi au cel mai mare angajament. Repet însă, trebuie să fii creativ și să diversifici tipurile de postări, nu să te rezumi doar la cele care într-o anumită perioadă au avut un angajament mai mare. Sunt bine de stiut aceste statistici, dar nu te limita doar la ele. De asemenea, numărul ideal de posturi este de 5-10 ori pe săptămână pentru a nu sufoca fanii, dar suficient pentru a-i face să nu te uite și pentru a-i păstra interesați și informați.

7. Include hashtaguri. Una din tendințele în social media pentru 2015 este utilizarea hashtagurilor relevante pentru conținut. Cu atât mai mult cu cât postul e musai să fie scurt, importanța hashtagului este și mai mare. Analizează și concentrează mesajul postului într-un hashtag atragător și de succes!

Aplicând aceste reguli în strategia de marketing a brandului pe facebook, cu siguranță vei avea mai mult succes prin crearea de relații stabile și de durată cu fanii și clienții!

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0 thoughts on “Postările pe pagina de facebook. Reguli pentru eficiența maximă

  1. MixZoore says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview, your comment will be visible after it has been approved.

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    previously downloading any music upon a new site, create definite you door the reviews upon that site to avoid downloading a virus. log on reviews that talk nearly malware or viruses. If there are any reviews indicating that the website has malicious files, you should avoid it. Even if there are no bad reviews, you should yet be careful.

    Stick like trusted websites for your music downloads. The biggest problem similar to untrusted sites is that they can contain viruses, but you might plus be putting yourself in authentic jeopardy if you download music from a less respectable site. put up with the times to research a site before you download to create certain it is both secure and true to use.

    If you love several songs from one artist, find purchasing the full album. Buying entire albums yet often results in the lowest average per track price, regardless of sales source. You with have more music to explore. You can find a song you drop in adore with.

    If you pull off desire to download music through peer to peer software, be positive to pick a reputable program. That said, you may locate that the music you wish isn’t nearby upon the network you have chosen. Be agreed cautious of the programs you pick to ensure you don’t stop in the works similar to a virus.

    If you install peer to peer networking software, don’t install any of the embellishments or additional software which it offers you. These programs are often adware which can eat in the works resources upon your computer or internet connection, lead they go to no benefit to the software itself, fittingly just uncheck those boxes.

    When downloading music online, create distinct that it is in a format that your music performer or computer can handle. The most common file format for music downloads is MP3, but there are many additional types. No thing what format you get, create distinct that it does not require conversion previously you can action it.

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  2. MixZoore says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview, your comment will be visible after it has been approved.

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    back downloading any music on a supplementary site, create determined you retrieve the reviews upon that site to avoid downloading a virus. retrieve reviews that chat nearly malware or viruses. If there are any reviews indicating that the website has malicious files, you should avoid it. Even if there are no bad reviews, you should still be careful.

    Stick in the same way as trusted websites for your music downloads. The biggest burden next untrusted sites is that they can contain viruses, but you might as well as be putting yourself in valid jeopardy if you download music from a less respectable site. take the times to research a site back you download to make definite it is both safe and authentic to use.

    If you love several songs from one artist, declare purchasing the full album. Buying entire albums yet often results in the lowest average per track price, regardless of sales source. You moreover have more music to explore. You can find a tune you drop in adore with.

    If you complete desire to download music through peer to peer software, be clear to pick a reputable program. That said, you may locate that the music you set sights on isn’t nearby on the network you have chosen. Be enormously cautious of the programs you pick to ensure you don’t stop taking place gone a virus.

    If you install peer to peer networking software, don’t install any of the superfluities or additional software which it offers you. These programs are often adware which can eat up resources upon your computer or internet connection, help they ensue no help to the software itself, correspondingly just uncheck those boxes.

    When downloading music online, make determined that it is in a format that your music player or computer can handle. The most common file format for music downloads is MP3, but there are many supplementary types. No issue what format you get, create definite that it does not require conversion previously you can decree it.

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  3. MixZoore says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview, your comment will be visible after it has been approved.

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    past downloading any music upon a supplementary site, make definite you approach the reviews upon that site to avoid downloading a virus. right to use reviews that chat virtually malware or viruses. If there are any reviews indicating that the website has malicious files, you should avoid it. Even if there are no bad reviews, you should nevertheless be careful.

    Stick considering trusted websites for your music downloads. The biggest problem with untrusted sites is that they can contain viruses, but you might also be putting yourself in legitimate jeopardy if you download music from a less respectable site. agree to the grow old to research a site back you download to create definite it is both safe and valid to use.

    If you adore several songs from one artist, decide purchasing the full album. Buying entire albums still often results in the lowest average per track price, regardless of sales source. You as a consequence have more music to explore. You can locate a song you fall in love with.

    If you attain desire to download music through peer to peer software, be sure to choose a reputable program. That said, you may find that the music you ambition isn’t user-friendly on the network you have chosen. Be no question careful of the programs you pick to ensure you don’t end up later a virus.

    If you install peer to peer networking software, don’t install any of the added extras or supplementary software which it offers you. These programs are often adware which can eat up resources on your computer or internet connection, help they amass no help to the software itself, so just uncheck those boxes.

    When downloading music online, create definite that it is in a format that your music artist or computer can handle. The most common file format for music downloads is MP3, but there are many new types. No concern what format you get, make positive that it does not require conversion past you can play-act it.

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  4. MixZoore says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview, your comment will be visible after it has been approved.

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    before downloading any music upon a other site, create determined you gain access to the reviews upon that site to avoid downloading a virus. entry reviews that talk approximately malware or viruses. If there are any reviews indicating that the website has malicious files, you should avoid it. Even if there are no bad reviews, you should yet be careful.

    Stick with trusted websites for your music downloads. The biggest trouble similar to untrusted sites is that they can contain viruses, but you might with be putting yourself in legitimate jeopardy if you download music from a less respectable site. receive the times to research a site previously you download to make distinct it is both secure and genuine to use.

    If you love several songs from one artist, consider purchasing the full album. Buying entire albums nevertheless often results in the lowest average per track price, regardless of sales source. You furthermore have more music to explore. You can locate a song you drop in love with.

    If you pull off want to download music through peer to peer software, be certain to pick a reputable program. That said, you may locate that the music you intention isn’t clear on the network you have chosen. Be utterly cautious of the programs you choose to ensure you don’t stop stirring bearing in mind a virus.

    If you install peer to peer networking software, don’t install any of the add-ons or additional software which it offers you. These programs are often adware which can eat occurring resources on your computer or internet connection, pro they mount up no plus to the software itself, for that reason just uncheck those boxes.

    When downloading music online, make clear that it is in a format that your music player or computer can handle. The most common file format for music downloads is MP3, but there are many further types. No situation what format you get, make distinct that it does not require conversion previously you can conduct yourself it.

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  5. MixZoore says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview, your comment will be visible after it has been approved.

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    back downloading any music upon a new site, create sure you read the reviews upon that site to avoid downloading a virus. retrieve reviews that talk not quite malware or viruses. If there are any reviews indicating that the website has malicious files, you should avoid it. Even if there are no bad reviews, you should yet be careful.

    Stick following trusted websites for your music downloads. The biggest hardship considering untrusted sites is that they can contain viruses, but you might as well as be putting yourself in authentic jeopardy if you download music from a less respectable site. believe the become old to research a site previously you download to make sure it is both secure and legitimate to use.

    If you adore several songs from one artist, declare purchasing the full album. Buying entire albums yet often results in the lowest average per track price, regardless of sales source. You as well as have more music to explore. You can locate a song you fall in love with.

    If you get want to download music through peer to peer software, be clear to pick a reputable program. That said, you may find that the music you object isn’t open upon the network you have chosen. Be certainly cautious of the programs you choose to ensure you don’t end stirring afterward a virus.

    If you install peer to peer networking software, don’t install any of the trappings or extra software which it offers you. These programs are often adware which can eat going on resources upon your computer or internet connection, benefit they go to no pro to the software itself, thus just uncheck those boxes.

    When downloading music online, create sure that it is in a format that your music artiste or computer can handle. The most common file format for music downloads is MP3, but there are many further types. No situation what format you get, create definite that it does not require conversion since you can accomplish it.

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  6. MixZoore says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview, your comment will be visible after it has been approved.

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    past downloading any music upon a new site, create certain you entry the reviews on that site to avoid downloading a virus. entrance reviews that talk nearly malware or viruses. If there are any reviews indicating that the website has malicious files, you should avoid it. Even if there are no bad reviews, you should still be careful.

    Stick taking into account trusted websites for your music downloads. The biggest misfortune in the same way as untrusted sites is that they can contain viruses, but you might after that be putting yourself in valid jeopardy if you download music from a less respectable site. recognize the become old to research a site back you download to create clear it is both safe and legal to use.

    If you love several songs from one artist, find purchasing the full album. Buying entire albums yet often results in the lowest average per track price, regardless of sales source. You as well as have more music to explore. You can locate a song you drop in adore with.

    If you do want to download music through peer to peer software, be distinct to pick a reputable program. That said, you may find that the music you wish isn’t easy to use upon the network you have chosen. Be completely careful of the programs you pick to ensure you don’t stop occurring later than a virus.

    If you install peer to peer networking software, don’t install any of the added extras or other software which it offers you. These programs are often adware which can eat stirring resources on your computer or internet connection, gain they mount up no benefit to the software itself, fittingly just uncheck those boxes.

    When downloading music online, make certain that it is in a format that your music artiste or computer can handle. The most common file format for music downloads is MP3, but there are many new types. No matter what format you get, create definite that it does not require conversion in the past you can proceed it.

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  7. MixZoore says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview, your comment will be visible after it has been approved.

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    past downloading any music on a additional site, make definite you log on the reviews upon that site to avoid downloading a virus. contact reviews that talk not quite malware or viruses. If there are any reviews indicating that the website has malicious files, you should avoid it. Even if there are no bad reviews, you should nevertheless be careful.

    Stick gone trusted websites for your music downloads. The biggest burden when untrusted sites is that they can contain viruses, but you might as a consequence be putting yourself in authentic jeopardy if you download music from a less respectable site. give a positive response the epoch to research a site back you download to make positive it is both secure and legal to use.

    If you love several songs from one artist, judge purchasing the full album. Buying entire albums still often results in the lowest average per track price, regardless of sales source. You also have more music to explore. You can locate a tune you drop in love with.

    If you pull off want to download music through peer to peer software, be determined to pick a reputable program. That said, you may find that the music you take aim isn’t nearby upon the network you have chosen. Be extremely cautious of the programs you choose to ensure you don’t end in the works when a virus.

    If you install peer to peer networking software, don’t install any of the embellishments or extra software which it offers you. These programs are often adware which can eat stirring resources on your computer or internet connection, gain they ensue no benefit to the software itself, suitably just uncheck those boxes.

    When downloading music online, create sure that it is in a format that your music performer or computer can handle. The most common file format for music downloads is MP3, but there are many other types. No situation what format you get, make determined that it does not require conversion back you can feint it.

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  8. MixZoore says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview, your comment will be visible after it has been approved.

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    since downloading any music on a extra site, create determined you edit the reviews upon that site to avoid downloading a virus. way in reviews that talk virtually malware or viruses. If there are any reviews indicating that the website has malicious files, you should avoid it. Even if there are no bad reviews, you should still be careful.

    Stick next trusted websites for your music downloads. The biggest difficulty behind untrusted sites is that they can contain viruses, but you might also be putting yourself in authentic jeopardy if you download music from a less respectable site. tolerate the time to research a site previously you download to make certain it is both safe and authenticated to use.

    If you adore several songs from one artist, decide purchasing the full album. Buying entire albums nevertheless often results in the lowest average per track price, regardless of sales source. You in addition to have more music to explore. You can locate a song you fall in adore with.

    If you get desire to download music through peer to peer software, be distinct to choose a reputable program. That said, you may find that the music you aspiration isn’t to hand upon the network you have chosen. Be extremely careful of the programs you choose to ensure you don’t stop going on similar to a virus.

    If you install peer to peer networking software, don’t install any of the add-ons or other software which it offers you. These programs are often adware which can eat going on resources upon your computer or internet connection, pro they be credited with no plus to the software itself, correspondingly just uncheck those boxes.

    When downloading music online, make distinct that it is in a format that your music artist or computer can handle. The most common file format for music downloads is MP3, but there are many additional types. No business what format you get, make determined that it does not require conversion back you can measure it.

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  9. MixZoore says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview, your comment will be visible after it has been approved.

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    back downloading any music on a extra site, make clear you retrieve the reviews on that site to avoid downloading a virus. admittance reviews that talk virtually malware or viruses. If there are any reviews indicating that the website has malicious files, you should avoid it. Even if there are no bad reviews, you should nevertheless be careful.

    Stick in the manner of trusted websites for your music downloads. The biggest difficulty behind untrusted sites is that they can contain viruses, but you might also be putting yourself in genuine jeopardy if you download music from a less respectable site. agree to the mature to research a site since you download to create positive it is both secure and true to use.

    If you adore several songs from one artist, pronounce purchasing the full album. Buying entire albums still often results in the lowest average per track price, regardless of sales source. You with have more music to explore. You can find a song you fall in love with.

    If you pull off want to download music through peer to peer software, be determined to choose a reputable program. That said, you may find that the music you endeavor isn’t user-friendly on the network you have chosen. Be agreed careful of the programs you pick to ensure you don’t stop stirring next a virus.

    If you install peer to peer networking software, don’t install any of the embellishments or additional software which it offers you. These programs are often adware which can eat stirring resources on your computer or internet connection, pro they add no pro to the software itself, so just uncheck those boxes.

    When downloading music online, create positive that it is in a format that your music artist or computer can handle. The most common file format for music downloads is MP3, but there are many new types. No issue what format you get, make determined that it does not require conversion in the past you can doing it.

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  10. MixZoore says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview, your comment will be visible after it has been approved.

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    in the past downloading any music on a additional site, create distinct you get into the reviews upon that site to avoid downloading a virus. retrieve reviews that talk about malware or viruses. If there are any reviews indicating that the website has malicious files, you should avoid it. Even if there are no bad reviews, you should nevertheless be careful.

    Stick in the same way as trusted websites for your music downloads. The biggest difficulty following untrusted sites is that they can contain viruses, but you might afterward be putting yourself in legal jeopardy if you download music from a less respectable site. give a positive response the mature to research a site back you download to create sure it is both safe and true to use.

    If you adore several songs from one artist, rule purchasing the full album. Buying entire albums still often results in the lowest average per track price, regardless of sales source. You plus have more music to explore. You can find a song you drop in love with.

    If you pull off want to download music through peer to peer software, be determined to pick a reputable program. That said, you may locate that the music you aspiration isn’t straightforward on the network you have chosen. Be totally careful of the programs you pick to ensure you don’t stop occurring gone a virus.

    If you install peer to peer networking software, don’t install any of the added extras or additional software which it offers you. These programs are often adware which can eat occurring resources on your computer or internet connection, benefit they build up no gain to the software itself, for that reason just uncheck those boxes.

    When downloading music online, create determined that it is in a format that your music player or computer can handle. The most common file format for music downloads is MP3, but there are many new types. No issue what format you get, create determined that it does not require conversion before you can bill it.

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  11. MixZoore says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview, your comment will be visible after it has been approved.

    past downloading any music upon a supplementary site, make clear you retrieve the reviews upon that site to avoid downloading a virus. admission reviews that chat nearly malware or viruses. If there are any reviews indicating that the website has malicious files, you should avoid it. Even if there are no bad reviews, you should nevertheless be careful.

    When downloading music online, make clear that it is in a format that your music artist or computer can handle. The most common file format for music downloads is MP3, but there are many further types. No event what format you get, create positive that it does not require conversion in the past you can perform it.

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  12. MixZoore says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview, your comment will be visible after it has been approved.

    past downloading any music on a supplementary site, create certain you entre the reviews on that site to avoid downloading a virus. right to use reviews that talk nearly malware or viruses. If there are any reviews indicating that the website has malicious files, you should avoid it. Even if there are no bad reviews, you should nevertheless be careful.

    When downloading music online, make certain that it is in a format that your music artiste or computer can handle. The most common file format for music downloads is MP3, but there are many further types. No event what format you get, create definite that it does not require conversion back you can bill it.

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  13. MixZoore says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview, your comment will be visible after it has been approved.

    past downloading any music on a supplementary site, create distinct you entre the reviews on that site to avoid downloading a virus. open reviews that chat approximately malware or viruses. If there are any reviews indicating that the website has malicious files, you should avoid it. Even if there are no bad reviews, you should nevertheless be careful.

    When downloading music online, make clear that it is in a format that your music artiste or computer can handle. The most common file format for music downloads is MP3, but there are many additional types. No business what format you get, make definite that it does not require conversion back you can affect it.

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  14. rardBeply says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview, your comment will be visible after it has been approved.

    before downloading any music upon a further site, make certain you door the reviews on that site to avoid downloading a virus. edit reviews that talk virtually malware or viruses. If there are any reviews indicating that the website has malicious files, you should avoid it. Even if there are no bad reviews, you should still be careful.

    When downloading music online, create positive that it is in a format that your music player or computer can handle. The most common file format for music downloads is MP3, but there are many other types. No thing what format you get, make clear that it does not require conversion in the past you can decree it.

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  15. rardBeply says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview, your comment will be visible after it has been approved.

    Object, face and scene recognition in photos works very well in iOS. Thanks to the amazing AI technology, the entire analysis process takes place in the device. Thanks to this, we can, for example, enter “bal” or “cycling” or “locomotive” and the appropriate photos will be searched. However, sometimes we want to add comments that describe the photos and can be used to search them according to our own criteria.

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  16. rardBeply says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview, your comment will be visible after it has been approved.

    Object, face and scene recognition in photos works very well in iOS. Thanks to the amazing AI technology, the entire analysis process takes place in the device. Thanks to this, we can, for example, enter “bal” or “cycling” or “locomotive” and the appropriate photos will be searched. However, sometimes we want to add comments that describe the photos and can be used to search them according to our own criteria.

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  17. rardBeply says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview, your comment will be visible after it has been approved.

    Object, face and scene recognition in photos works very well in iOS. Thanks to the amazing AI technology, the entire analysis process takes place in the device. Thanks to this, we can, for example, enter “bal” or “cycling” or “locomotive” and the appropriate photos will be searched. However, sometimes we want to add comments that describe the photos and can be used to search them according to our own criteria.

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  18. rardBeply says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview, your comment will be visible after it has been approved.

    Object, face and scene recognition in photos works very well in iOS. Thanks to the amazing AI technology, the entire analysis process takes place in the device. Thanks to this, we can, for example, enter “bal” or “cycling” or “locomotive” and the appropriate photos will be searched. However, sometimes we want to add comments that describe the photos and can be used to search them according to our own criteria.

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  19. rardBeply says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview, your comment will be visible after it has been approved.

    Object, face and scene recognition in photos works very well in iOS. Thanks to the amazing AI technology, the entire analysis process takes place in the device. Thanks to this, we can, for example, enter “bal” or “cycling” or “locomotive” and the appropriate photos will be searched. However, sometimes we want to add comments that describe the photos and can be used to search them according to our own criteria.

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  20. rardBeply says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview, your comment will be visible after it has been approved.

    Object, face and scene recognition in photos works very well in iOS. Thanks to the amazing AI technology, the entire analysis process takes place in the device. Thanks to this, we can, for example, enter “bal” or “cycling” or “locomotive” and the appropriate photos will be searched. However, sometimes we want to add comments that describe the photos and can be used to search them according to our own criteria.

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  21. rardBeply says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview, your comment will be visible after it has been approved.

    Object, face and scene recognition in photos works very well in iOS. Thanks to the amazing AI technology, the entire analysis process takes place in the device. Thanks to this, we can, for example, enter “bal” or “cycling” or “locomotive” and the appropriate photos will be searched. However, sometimes we want to add comments that describe the photos and can be used to search them according to our own criteria.

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  22. rardBeply says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview, your comment will be visible after it has been approved.

    Object, face and scene recognition in photos works very well in iOS. Thanks to the amazing AI technology, the entire analysis process takes place in the device. Thanks to this, we can, for example, enter “bal” or “cycling” or “locomotive” and the appropriate photos will be searched. However, sometimes we want to add comments that describe the photos and can be used to search them according to our own criteria.

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  23. rardBeply says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview, your comment will be visible after it has been approved.

    Object, face and scene recognition in photos works very well in iOS. Thanks to the amazing AI technology, the entire analysis process takes place in the device. Thanks to this, we can, for example, enter “bal” or “cycling” or “locomotive” and the appropriate photos will be searched. However, sometimes we want to add comments that describe the photos and can be used to search them according to our own criteria.

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